On August 15, 2020, India celebrated its 73rd birthday. To reflect on the state of Indian democracy and to kick off the podcast’s fourth season, Pratap Bhanu Mehta (https://twitter.com/pbmehta) joins Milan for a wide-ranging conversation on India’s past, present, and future. Pratap is a professor of political science at Ashoka University (https://www.ashoka.edu.in/leadership_team#!/pratap-bhanu-mehta-624) and a contributing editor and columnist at the Indian Express (https://indianexpress.com/profile/columnist/pratap-bhanu-mehta/) . He is a noted author, scholar, and commentator, not to mention arguably India’s finest public intellectual (https://openthemagazine.com/open-minds-2009-2019/public-intellectuals-pratap-bhanu-mehta-52-shashi-tharoor-63-swapan-dasgupta-63-ramachandra-guha-61/) .
On August 15, 2020, India celebrated its 73rd birthday. To reflect on the state of Indian democracy and to kick off the podcast’s fourth season, Pratap Bhanu Mehta joins Milan for a wide-ranging conversation on India’s past, present, and future.
Pratap is a professor of political science at Ashoka University and a contributing editor and columnist at the Indian Express. He is a noted author, scholar, and commentator, not to mention arguably India’s finest public intellectual.